Midweek Motivator No. 9: Go to NYC!

I have majorly fallen off the blogging wagon! With an impromptu visit to Portland two weeks ago and a work trip to DC last week, I haven’t had much time to develop film, let alone get a few thoughts out.

Tonight we leave on the red-eye for New York for the last out-of-state wedding of the season (yes!). Having lived in Manhattan for a year, and having not been back since we got engaged there two years ago, we are EXCITED. Since the wedding is in Connecticut, we only have one full day in the City, but we’re going to squeeze in as much of our favorite things as we can. For us, that means:

// Absolute Bagels for breakfast

// Bowls of ramen for lunch (maybe even dinner)

// Drinks at our favorite cocktail bar, Pegu Club

// Lots of walking and people watching

// Relishing autumn in New York

I’ll be bringing lots of film to record our day. See you next week!

2 responses to “Midweek Motivator No. 9: Go to NYC!

  1. Pingback: Midweek Motivator No. 10: Grilled Lobster Rolls | Le Bon Weekend·

  2. Pingback: Friday Diversion: Finding a swimming hole | Le Bon Weekend·

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